Apex Legends fans migrate to The Finals as BR exhaustion sets in

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The Finals characters on top of Apex Legends

Apex Legends may be losing players to newcomer multiplayer game The Finals. Also offering a game show like theme, the brand new destructible shooter is seemingly nabbing a chunk of Apex’s player base.

Despite years of updates, and even a Final Fantasy VII crossover on the way, Apex Legends’ lack of reinvention is bringing players over to The Finals. While Apex’s movement system is keeping the core fans loyal to the battle royale, many are moving to the pastures new.

A viral post on The Finals subreddit showed hundreds of Apex fans announcing their move over to The Finals. With the gameplay of the newcomer feeling fresh as well as having far more reliable networking, it’s become the go-to for many Apex fans.

Dubbed “Apex Refugees”, fans have become enamoured with the new multiplayer game. They’re not the only ones, The Finals has become one of the biggest new multiplayer games around, bringing in fans of Apex, CoD, Fortnite and more.

“Me and my two buds haven’t played Apex once since Finale came out,” one fan said. “And Apex was our go-to game.”

“Same here for me and my brother. We've played Apex from day 1 and haven't touched it in about a week,” said another. “We’re having such a good time and it's nice to not get sh*t on constantly from the matchmaking.”

Some of the popularity of The Finals seems to come from battle royale fatigue. After years of the genre being the top of the live service chain, fans have fallen out of love with the genre. While games like Fortnite will continue to be popular, even with controversial UI changes, the majority of battle royale’s popularity is set to dwindle.

Apex Legends and The Finals are both available for free on Xbox, PlayStation and PC right now.

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