Apex Legends Makes Billions for EA in Just Five Years

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apex legends makes billions since launch
Credit: Respawn Entertainment


  • Apex Legends had made billions for EA
  • The company will keep supporting the game to make even more revenue
  • Season 21 has launched and is keeping players hooked

Apex Legends continues to be one of EA’s top money making games, as the free-to-play shooter has made billions of dollars for the publisher. It’s hard to believe that this game is only five-years-old, showing just how much of a following the shooter has managed to gather in a short time.

EA released a document showing their fourth quarter earnings, revealing that their shooter has managed to make $3.4 billion in lifetime net bookings. Net bookings is revenue made once fees and other necessary deductions have been made, so it’s not exactly $3.4 billion but it’s still a ton of money.

“Since its surprise, smash-hit release in 2019, the HD title of Apex Legends has surpassed $3.4 billion in lifetime net bookings,” CEO Andrew Wilson said. “In FY24, we focused on building features and improving quality of the experience to drive long-term engagement, positioning us for future revenue growth.”

The company went on to say that they will keep working on Apex to make sure that it gains even more revenue. Fans currently love how the game is, despite some issues here and there, but the shooter’s current direction is a good one. Season 21 of the game just launched, giving fans another new character and some improvements.

“Looking to the future, we will continue to invest in broadening the audience by building upon the epic characters and storytelling of this world that go beyond the current Battle Royale,” Wilson continued.

Fans have enjoyed Season 21 of Apex Legends thus far, with the return of Solos making a ton of players very happy. While there are still things fans don’t like about the game, including some of its annoying Trials, they aren’t a deal breaker right now. Needless to say, this shooter won’t be disappearing anytime soon and that’s a good thing.

Apex Legends is available now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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