New Fallout 4 mod fully recreates the series’ best game

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  • Fallout 2 is being recreated inside Fallout 4
  • Dubbed Project Arroyo, the new mod will recreate all of the 1998 classic
  • The mod aims to bring the classic Fallout vibe to the newer gameplay style

The 1998 RPG classic Fallout 2 is being recreated inside 2015’s Fallout 4. A full recreation of the iconic PC RPG, the new Project Arroyo mod aims to bring all of the best Fallout game to the series’ new gameplay style.

Fallout 2 and Fallout 4 differ in almost every way. While set in the same universe, Fallout 2 is a darker, grittier post-apocalyptic adventure with turn-based CRPG. On the other hand, Fallout 4 is a more lighthearted FPS RPG.

Much like Skywind and Skyblivion, Project Arroyo aims to be a complete remake of the best Fallout game in Fallout 4. A short two-minute trailer shows some of the first areas of the new best Fallout 4 mod, recreating the original’s isometric environments in fully immersive 3D maps.

While the Fallout 2 remake aims to recreate the original game’s style, Fallout 4’s lighting engine does make that a challenge. Nevertheless, the team behind Project Arroyo has done a spectacular job.

A new comparison video released by the team shows side-by-side views of the original game and the new remake, and it looks incredible. The Temple of Trials’ Aztec appearance is recreated in full with some slightly cartoony lighting from Fallout 4’s engine, but otherwise it’s a perfect match. Even the big stone head from the game’s starting area is here.

Another interesting aspect of the remake is that it reveals just how small some areas of Fallout 2 really are. While the original game’s CRPG gameplay makes moving through the environments take a while (especially if you’re in combat), the smooth, free movement of Fallout 4 makes everything quite a bit quicker.

In my opinion, Fallout 2 is still the peak of the series with brilliant writing, fantastic tactical gameplay and some of the best quest designs of the franchise. While Fallout New Vegas is also fantastic, Fallout 2 is still the bar that Bethesda needs to hit, and it’s a tall bar.

With the Fallout TV show just around the corner and massive fan projects like Fallout London now out, it’s a great time to be a Fallout fan. Sure, Fallout 5 may be a decade away (if we’re lucky), but at least Fallout 76 is still going!

Project Arroyo doesn’t currently have a release year planned. However, Amazon’s Fallout TV show releases on Prime Video on April 12, 2024. Isn’t that neat?

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