Fallout 76 gets huge surge of players after the Amazon show's success

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fallout 76 player boost amazon show
Credit: Bethesda


  • Fallout 76 got a huge surge in players after Amazon's show came out
  • It helps that the game was on sale and had a free weekend on Steam
  • Fallout 4 and New Vegas also received a boost in players

Fallout 76 launched as a joke but numerous updates eventually turned it into a good game, something many fans found out recently. The combination of Amazon’s show being really good and a free Steam weekend for this game has led to a huge rise in players.

According to SteamDB (via PCGamesN), the game’s player base reached 39,455 players. This is the highest number Bethesda’s RPG has reached since 2020, showing how much interest in Amazon’s show played into this. Once again, it helps that 76 also had a free weekend, with an ongoing sale ensuring some buys for Bethesda.

It’s not just Fallout 76 that received a boost, as fans also ended up purchasing Fallout 4 as part of the big Steam sale. With the game becoming Steam Deck Verified later this month, that may have played into fans picking it up. However, we all know that it was the Amazon show that ended up getting players interested in these games.

We’ve seen this effect happen before, as The Last of Us Part 1 and The Witcher 3 also got a surge in players after their respective adaptations came out. Renewed interest in great games is always a good thing and newcomers can now see how the show was influenced by these cool titles.

Despite some trepidation early on, fans were pleasantly surprised with the Fallout show’s quality, as it quickly became a fan-favorite show. Even we at Gfinity enjoyed this adaptation of the classic RPGs, giving the show an overall score of 9 out of 10. To make fans happier, it also doesn’t break the canon of Fallout: New Vegas, often praised as the series’ best entry.

Seeing the Fallout 76 renaissance is good, as many of us remember how bad the game was at launch. The developers even had the gall to add a subscription service to it while the quality was still down. At the least, enough updates have been released and many players can pick it up without hesitation.

Fallout 76 is now available on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.

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