Six Years After Flopping, Fallout 76 is Bigger Than Ever, Far Bigger

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  • The success of the Fallout TV show has caused fans to try Fallout 76 again
  • Bethesda’s game launched to highly negative reception
  • Over 1 million players have joined the game

Bethesda Game Studios’ originally panned MMO Fallout 76 is now higher than ever following the success of the Fallout TV series on Amazon Prime.

Originally released in a broken state with rough questing and poor loot, the MMO spin-off has been kept alive with years of updates. With the release of the brilliant Fallout Season 1, Fallout 76 has exploded in popularity.

In the weeks since the show’s release, Fallout 76 managed to gather 1 million players in a single day. Across the entire Fallout franchise, five million gamers were enjoying the wasteland in that same period.

Fallout 76 Creative Director Jonathan Rush took to Twitter (or X if you’re like that) to thank fans of the game.

“It’s amazing to see the large influx of new Appalachian Adventurers, and how our awesome community has welcomed them,” Rush told fans. “A very exciting moment with many (many) more to come!”

Fallout 76 launched in a dire state with many fans feeling let down by Bethesda after spending years hoping for a multiplayer Fallout. However, since launch, huge updates have made the game substantially better.

Since the release of the Wastelanders expansion, F76 has been in a good state. If you’re looking to give it a go, it’s also in Xbox Game Pass.

With the Fallout 5 release date still years away, even further than the Elder Scrolls 6 release date, new content for Fallout 76 may be the most we see of Fallout in the near future. Hopefully, with this influx of new players, the Fallout MMO will see new, traditional expansions as a result.

Alongside the boosted player count of Fallout 76, the entirety of the RPG franchise has seen a massive influx of players. Classic Fallout games are more popular than ever whilst games like Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas managed to hinder mod website Nexus Mods due to their popularity.

For more Fallout content, check out our recent attempt to turn Fallout 4 into a Halo horror game right here or find out why no Fallout New Vegas ending is actually canon here.

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