Fallout creator clears the air about Bethesda after praising the TV show

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fallout creator tim cain on left and fallout tv show main character on right


  • Fallout creator Tim Cain praised the new Fallout television series.
  • Some fans misinterpreted this praise as hostility towards Bethesda.
  • Cain assures fans there is no animosity and encourages them to be more understanding of the gaming industry.

Legendary game developer Tim Cain recently took a moment to dispel rumours of tension between him and Bethesda, following his enthusiastic praise for the new Fallout television series.

Cain, alongside Brian Fargo, is revered for creating the Fallout franchise with the original game in 1997. Bethesda acquired the rights to the series in 2007 and has been responsible for several Fallout titles since.

Cain's praise for the TV show, particularly its set design and ability to capture the essence of the classic games, sparked concern among some fans. They worried his comments indicated dissatisfaction with Bethesda's stewardship of the franchise. There has been a longstanding misconception, particularly within certain online communities, that there's animosity between the original creators and Bethesda.

Addressing these concerns head-on, Cain assured fans that his positive experience at the show's premiere extended to his interactions with Bethesda representatives, including director Todd Howard.

He encouraged fans to attend similar events to gain a deeper understanding of the collaborative nature of the gaming industry. "Part of me wishes you guys could go to things like this and meet the people," Cain said in a video addressing the rumours. "Not just play [a] game and then go off on the people."

Cain also elaborated on his appreciation for the show itself. While he admitted to only seeing the first two episodes, he was impressed by the show's faithfulness to the source material, including its characters and humour.

"I was literally on the edge of my seat," he recounted. "I liked it. I thought visually it was really good. I thought the humour was very good, they hit the vibe. Also, extremely well-acted, I was impressed."

While the jury is still out on how the fanbase will ultimately receive the television show's lore, Cain's endorsement and assurance of a positive working relationship between himself and Bethesda creates a more positive atmosphere.

This hopefully paves the way for continued collaboration and a future filled with both exciting new Fallout games and a potentially stellar television series.

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