Fallout New Vegas now has infinite quests so you’ll never finish it

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Fallout New Vegas’ Benny posing next to a robot sheriff

Obsidian Entertainment’s unforgettable journey through the Mojave will never end with the addition of the Fallout New Vegas infinite quests mod. If you never want to clock off the post-apocalyptic RPG, this mod is for you.

Following fans porting the entire Fallout New Vegas map into Fallout 4, one talented fan has recreated Skyrim’s infinite quest system into the aging Fallout game.

Developed by the hilariously named StealthDick, not our sister site Stealth Optional (great plug), the Radiant Infinitum modification adds “Endless Questing” to New Vegas’ wasteland. Inspired by Starfield‘s version of the system, players will be able to choose infinite quests to play through.

The New Vegas Infinite Quests mod adds Job Boards/Terminals in almost every settlement across the game’s map. These boards allow you to pick up a number of quests from a randomly generated list that will see you finding NPCs, delivering items, hunting animals and more. There are even bounty hunting quests you can pick up that will have you assassinate other wastelanders across the Mojave.

Fallout New Vegas’ Radiant Infinitum mod allows players to pick up 100 quests, but not a single quest more. Via PCGamer, the modder claims “there is no reason for you to have 100 active quests…ever.”

The new mod will reward players with a selection of experience posts, caps and even fame for factions that different jobs belong to. While you won’t gain much fame from these randomly generated missions, they’ll still help you gain, or lose, standing with the game’s multiple factions.

Just like games like Morrowind, Fallout New Vegas’ infinite quest modification is a sign that the game’s fanbase will never die. Even with the release of Starfield still fresh in Bethesda fans’ minds, Fallout’s fanbase is still banging out some of the best Fallout mods ever made.

Until Starfield modding tools are available to toy with, the best Starfield mods won’t be able to hold a candle to the communities of Elder Scrolls and Fallout.

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