Epic Games giving out free Fortnite emote to certain players

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If you have played LEGO Fortnite recently, you might be eligible for the new Ice Moves emote. The Ice Moves emote has been sent to many players since last Friday. Some players received it, while others did not. Let's look at the story behind this limited free Fortnite emote. You should also grab the Evil Plan emote while you're at it.

The Ice Moves emote is currently being gifted to players who have played LEGO Fortnite recently. This is because LEGO Fortnite recently dealt with a major bug that would result in a loss of progress. Buildings seemingly crumbled for no reason and caused many to lose hours of hard work.

Luckily, the team at Epic Games quickly pushed out a rollback that reset progress for lots of players, which can be both good or bad depending on where you are. Players got their progress back and Epic Games issued an apology for the mess up.

The details for the rollback are as follows: "At 11:00 AM ET, we deployed a hotfix to address an issue with dynamic foundations, which caused player builds to begin crumbling. We’ve fixed this and have restored all LEGO Fortnite Worlds to the state they were in before this issue occurred."

They further added: "We understand that in rolling back Worlds some players lost valuable time and resources, and we’ll have more info on how we’re making this up to you at a later date."

Furthermore, they also gifted the Ice Moves emote to players who had played LEGO Fortnite during the bug. This Rare hockey-themed emote is a pretty cool addition to any lineup of emotes.

You do not need to do anything special to get the Ice Moves emote, as it will be automatically gifted to you and added to your inventory. However, if for some reason, you have not received your Ice Moves emote despite facing the bug, you can email Epic Games and have them issue it to you.

As the Ice Moves emote is an apology gift, it's very much possible that it won't be making its way to the Shop. This means you should get your hands on it while it's available, as it might otherwise suffer the same fate as the Rust Bucket back bling from Chapter 1, which never returned.

If you plan on paying, you can always get the Secret NitroJerry and the good guy emote.

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