Wizards of the Coast already planning the next Baldur's Gate with different developer

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wizards of the coast want new baldur's gate entry soon
Credit: Larian Studios


  • Wizards of the Coast wants a new Baldur's Gate
  • The company doesn't want another 25-year gap between games
  • Larian Studios set the bar for this franchise

Now that Larian Studios is done making content for Baldur’s Gate 3, Wizards of the Coast are already planning a new installment with a different developer. The company is still looking for someone willing to build on what Larian did, though they hope it won’t take as long as last time.

Eugene Evans, the senior vice president of digital strategy and licensing for Wizards of the Coast, spoke with PC Gamer about looking for the next BG dev. Apparently, Wizards is talking to “lots of partners” about the next installment, but they aren’t going to rush things.

"So we certainly hope that it's not another 25 years, as it was from Baldur's Gate 2 to 3, before we answer that," Evan said. "But we're going to take our time and find the right partner, the right approach, and the right product that could represent the future of Baldur's Gate."

Larian Studios really set the bar with their work on BG3, as the game is different for anyone who plays it. With numerous endings to unlock and thousands of story possibilities, this is going to be a hard game to top.

It will be interesting to see what happens next with the Baldur’s Gate series, though it looks like they might stick with the CRPG formula. Now that more fans are into PC gaming, they might not have to rock the boat and simply give fans a ton of freedom like Larian did with BG3. You don’t have to fix what isn’t broken, though fans should still expect plenty of patches, given the modern PC landscape.

Baldur’s Gate 3 came out and was received warmly by fans and critics alike, with many calling it their Game of the Year. In fact, this CRPG won a ton of awards, including Game of the Year at The Game Awards, so we can see why Wizards of the Coast want another entry soon.

Fans can pick up Baldur’s Gate 3 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC.

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