Fable's Future: Promising RPG or Cinematic Hype?

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A woman holds her sword in Fable
Credit: Xbox Game Studios

Xbox’s Fable reboot was shown off again during their Games Showcase, but the “game” part continued to be a mystery to many. While this new trailer technically had some gameplay, trying to differentiate those parts from the cutscenes and cinematics proved to be challenging.

The reboot’s trailer did finally show off some gameplay, though fans had to wait through plenty of cutscenes to do so. Fans got a sneak peek at some of the town exploration and combat, but anyone hoping to see pure gameplay this time was disappointed.

Admittedly, Xbox’s new Fable game does look like another solid Western RPG, with combat that looks more modern when compared to the older games. Granted, there wasn’t a lot of combat in the trailer, but it seems that the company is slightly more confident in this game actually coming out.

Since the reboot is expected to come out next year, the folks at Xbox have plenty of time to work out the game’s kinks and make it a solid RPG. It will be interesting to see if the series’ signature choice-based gameplay makes an appearance, though most don’t take them too seriously anymore. Baldur’s Gate 3 was able to make choices matter in games again, but we doubt that will happen with this Xbox franchise.

Despite what all the hype of Xbox’s original Fable told fans, those first three games were solid action RPGs and not much more than that. Some story choices were fun to make, but they all ended with the player being either good or evil. We imagine that the reboot will try to give these players more meaningful choices, but that wasn’t shown through this trailer.

Our first look at Fable was a pure cinematic cutscene, so the fact that there was actual gameplay this time was a treat to many. Here is hoping that the final product is a good one, since fans would love to give this franchise another chance after years of no games. This reboot will be coming to Xbox Series and PC sometime in 2025.

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