How to customise your wand in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

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A young witch in a suit carefully customizing her wand with a pair of scissors in the background.

Looking into how to customise your wand in Harry Potter Magic Awakened? We can help. There comes a time in the life of every witch and wizard when they must choose their want. And with so many magical components making them up, it can be hard to find the perfect one. Except, that doesn't really matter. The wand chooses you, with the materials used being more of an indicator as to why.

In Harry Potter Magic Awakened, you take the trip to Ollivander's very early on, picking up your first wand as Hagrid, your guide for the day, finishes up some other errands. It's there where you learn how to use it, battling against some Monster Books Ivy accidentally drops onto the floor of the shop. And with such a cute art style running throughout the game, wanting to customise your wand to match is warranted.

How to customise your wand in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

Depending on your idea of wand customisation, there's a chance you can't change it up at all in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.

When you go to Ollivander's to buy your first magical pointer, you're left with little choice when it comes to how it looks. You'll cycle through a few, and the components they're made from are either randomly generated until Ollivander decides you've found the right one - which only takes a couple - or everyone ends up with the same starting stick. It isn't clear.

The wand selection screen in Harry Potter Magic Awakened.
click to enlarge

What you absolutely can't do is swipe through each material type. You can't choose your core, wood type, or any of that good stuff. It's a "you get what you're given" situation, with the wand canonically choosing you.

How to get wand skins in Harry Potter Magic Awakened

What you can do is completely change how your wand looks. As you progress through the game and complete certain quests and achievements is unlock new Wand Skins.

When applied to your wand, Wand Skins completely change the appearance of your weapon. It'll still be made up of the same core components in the eyes of the game and its dialogue, but it'll look completely different to the wand you received at Ollivander's.

Just getting started? Check out how to reroll in Harry Potter Magic Awakened to get the best cards early on. And if you're wondering about launch goodies, here's how to get the pre-registration rewards. Lastly, if you're struggling with technical issues, here's how to fix error code 8100 and how to leave a club in the game as well.

For more articles like this, take a look at our OMG Guides , Only Mobile Gaming , and Harry Potter Magic Awakened pages.