New Pokemon Snap Pokedex: Full Pokemon List, Photodex And Where To Find Them

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New Pokemon Snap has finally arrived on Nintendo Switch and celebrates some of the franchise's best Pokemon!

In a reboot of the legendary series from 1999, this new title will bring back the core mechanics with a host of new Pokemon.

Since Pokemon Snap was made, there have been over 700 additional Pokemon added to the series.

So who's made the cut this time around and where can you find them?

Here's the full Pokedex for New Pokemon Snap.

New Pokemon Snap Pokemon List

Here are the Pokemon that you can find in New Pokemon Snap.

We're filling out their locations as we go and it is not complete - some Pokemon do not appear until later in the game and may not appear on the first few visits.

Global Pokedex Number Name Picture Location (Click link for photo)
(#002)Venusaur Belusylva Jungle (Day) - On the right mountains when you reach the pond Belusylva Jungle (Day) - On the ground as you make your way to the waterfall Belusylva Jungle (Day) - In the distance jungle near the waterfall lake
(#007)SquirtleMaricopia Reef (Day) - on the left on the second island as you start. Requires a second visit.
(#009)BlastoiseMaricopia Beach (Day) - on the shores on the final stretch, requires a second visit
(#010)Caterpie Florio Nature Park (Night) - spotted in the left grass after crossing the bridge
(#011)Metapod Belusylva Jungle (Night) - Near the start, stuck on the left trees Belusylva Jungle (Day) - On the ground, next to the ancient ruins, hugging a tree
(#019)Rattata Research Camp - Near the tent, along the course
(#024)Arbok Belusylva Jungle (Day) - On the right-hand-side of the course, after the spider web, behind the flowers
(#026)Raichu (Alola)Maricopia Beach (Day) - Surfing on its tail near the end
(#027)Sandshrew Voluca Sands (Night) - rolling around throughout the level
(#028)Sandslash (Alola)  
(#018)PidgeotFlorio Nature Park (Night) - Spotted on the course path next to the lake
(#037)Vulpix (Alola)  
(#068)Machamp Maricopia Beach (Day) - Head left at the diversion and it is on the beach
(#073)Tentacruel Maricopia Undersea - swimming in the last part of the course as you start to come out of the cave
(#085)DodrioFlorio Nature Park (Day) - at the beginning, sat on the grass and throughout the course
(#095)Onyx Voluca Sands (Day) - On the right path when you divert from the lake Voluca Sands (Night) - sleeping at the end of the level
(#103)Exeggutor Maricopia Beach (Day) - Found on the main beach at the start and throughout the course
(#115)Kangaskhan Voluca Sands (Night) - sat near the beginning on your right and by the lake
(#121)Starmie Maricopia Undersea - before the seaweed, head up the left path
 (#127)PinsirFlorio Nature Park (Night) - walking on the course path after the lake
 (#129)MagikarpFlorio Nature Park (Day) - splashing around in the lake
 (#131)LaprasMaricopia Beach (Day) - in the ocean on the right, at the start Maricopia Beach (Day) - in the ocean on the right, at the end Maricopia Reef (Day) - on the right as you start Maricopia Reef (Day) - on the left, in the distance, when you reach the whirlpool
(#133)Eevee Florio Nature Park (Illumina Spot) - On your second visit, Eevee is jumping on top of a sleeping Meganium
(#151)Mew Belusylva Jungle (Day and Night) - Unlocked after the game's main story is finished, will appear at the start as ??? and eventually at the Ancient Ruins
(#154)MeganiumFlorio Nature Park (Illumina Spot) - Found throughout the Illumina Spot course
(#163)HoothootFlorio Nature Park (Day) - Found in the tree next to Magikarp Florio Nature Park (Night) - Found on the tree next to Magikarp
(#166)Ledian Belusylva Jungle (Night) - Found hugging the trees near the pond
(#168)Ariados Belusylva Jungle (Night) - Found in the tall grass and near the small pond
(#170)Chinchou Maricopia Undersea - before the seaweed, head up the left path
(#172)Pichu Florio Nature Park (Day) - at the beginning next to Grookey and in the grass by the lake
(#182)BellossomMaricopia Beach (Day) - Found on the main beach near the flowers and bushes
(#185)Sudowoodo Research Camp - standing along the course
(#190)AipomBelusylva Jungle (Day) - Running in the trees at the beginning and throughout the course
(#194)WooperBelusylva Jungle (Day) - Hiding in a bush from Arbok or at the waterfall lake with Quagsire
(#195)QuagsireBelusylva Jungle (Day) - sat at the small pond half-way through the course and at the end by the waterfall
(#198)MurkrowFlorio Nature Park (Night) - spotted in the trees and flying throughout the course
(#211)Qwilfish Maricopia Undersea - in the cave
(#214)HeracrossFlorio Nature Park (Day) - on the left, after crossing the bridge, near the mound of dirt
(#222)Corsola Maricopia Beach (Day) - sitting on the rocks, on either side, when you go right at the diversion
(#224)Octillery Maricopia Beach (Day) - Octillery can be found in the water, by the rocks, when you turn left at the diversion
(#226)MantineMaricopia Reef (Day) - Swimming in the water throughout the course
(#248)Tyranitar Voluca Sands (Day) - under the mountains by the lake
(#255)Torchic Voluca Sands (Day) - Running around the start of the lake
(#260)Swampert Belusylva Jungle (Night) - In the pond Belusylva Jungle (Night) - On the waterfall
(#265)WurmpleFlorio Nature Park (Day) - spotted regularly after you go over the bridge in the grass and on trees
(#267)BeautiflyBelusylva Jungle (Day) - found flying around the whole course and on the path
(#276)Taillow Florio Nature Park (Day) - After you reach the lake, they're sat in the road and can be seen flying around through the rest of the course
(#289)Slaking Belusylva Jungle (Day) - In the background behind the spider-web
(#328)Trapinch Voluca Sands (Day) - In the sinkholes near the end
(#330)Flygon Voluca Sands (Day) - Off to the right, when you take the right diversion
(#346)Cradily Maricopia Undersea - In the seaweed on your second visit
(#370)Luvdisc Maricopia Undersea - Swimming around at the start of the course
(#389)TorterraFlorio Nature Park (Night) - spotted on the course path next to the lake and towards the end of the course
(#399)BidoofFlorio Nature Park (Day) - over the bridge/river you'll spot him sitting in the bushes, he's also further into the course in the water
(#278)WingullFlorio Nature Park (Day) - it will fly above you throughout the course Maricopia Beach (Day) - it will fly above you throughout the course
(#279)PelipperMaricopia Reef (Day) - Flying around the water for the vast majority of the course
(#319)SharpedoMaricopia Reef (Day) - Swimming throughout the course
(#320)WailmerMaricopia Undersea - swims up to the Octillery
(#321)WailordMaricopia Reef (Day) - emerges out of the water, halfway through, just after the whirlpool
(#331)Cacnea Voluca Sands (Day and Night) - rolling around the beginning
(#396)StarlyResearch Camp - Sitting in trees
(#415)Combee Florio Nature Park (Night) - Found in the flower field at the end of the course
(#416)Vespiquen Florio Nature Park (Night) - Found in the flower field at the end of the course
(#450)HippowdonVoluca Sands (Day) - Mainly around the lake
(#451)SkorupiVoluca Sands (Day and Night) - found near the beginning of the course
(#456)Finneon Maricopia Beach (Day) - Head left and you can spot it jumping in the water, between the rocks, on your right
(#457)Lumineon Maricopia Undersea - swimming around the seaweed section
(#465)Tangrowth Florio Nature Park (Night) - spotted amongst the trees and grass after you cross the bridge
(#469)Yanmega Belusylva Jungle (Night) - spotted throughout the course, particularly at the waterfall near the end
(#470)Leafeon Belusylva Jungle (Day And Night) - On the waterfall Belusylva Jungle (Night) - Before you reach the pond, on the right Belusylva Jungle (Night) - in the mountains on the right of the waterfall
(#492)Shaymin Florio Nature Park (Day) - On the secluded island, on the left, that the course revolves around Florio Nature Park (Night) - On the left just before the bridge
(#508)Stoutland Research Camp - Inside the building
(#510)LiepardBelusylva Jungle (Day) - plotted around the course, very common towards the second half and ending near the waterfall
(#531)Audino Research Camp - in the lab and along the course
(#568)Trubbish Research Camp - Sat under the trees
(#580)Ducklett Florio Nature Park (Day) - found in the lake, next to Swanna, on your second visit
(#581)SwannaFlorio Nature Park (Day) - once you get over the hill, they are flying in the air and sitting in the lake to your right
(#587)EmolgaFlorio Nature Park (Day) - flying above you in the beginning
(#592)Frillish (Pink) Maricopia Undersea - As you descend into the cave, behind you is an opening that if you scan it will catch Frillish. Through some fruit to lure it out of hiding!
(#594)Alomomola Maricopia Undersea - at the start of the level
(#618)Stunfisk Maricopia Beach (Day) - head left and you'll spot it washed on the beach with the Machamp
(#626)BouffalantFlorio Nature Park (Day) - off to the right of the course where Grookey and Dodrio run
(#630)MandibuzzVoluca Sands (Day And Night) - flying around the whole course
(#659)Bunnelby Research Camp - In the rabbit holes
(#666)Vivillon (Meadow)Florio Nature Park (Day) - near the beginning and throughout the course
(#666)Vivillion (Monsoon) Belusylva Jungle (Day) - Head left of the pond, the Aipom will cut some tall grass leading to a cave, they'll fly out of it
 Vivillion (Marine) Maricopia Beach (Day) - Flying underneath the rocks and to the right side of the diversion
 Vivillion (Sandstorm) Voluca Sands (Day) - Flying around the end, off to the right
(#671)Florges (Red) Florio Nature Park (Day) - found at the end of the course in the flower field
(#671)Florges (Orange) Florio Nature Park (Day) - found at the end of the course in the flower field
(#686)Inkay Maricopia Undersea - before the seaweed, head up the left path
(#693)Clawitzer Maricopia Undersea - in the cave where the Qwilfish were on your first visit (requires a second visit)
(#695)Heliolisk Voluca Sands (Day) - Running in the hills Voluca Sands (Night) - Found sleeping in the hills
(#700)Sylveon Florio Nature Park (Night) - after the Magikarp, before the Hoot-Hoot to the right
(#702)Dedenne Research Camp - Inside the building
(#731)PikipekBelusylva Jungle (Day) - seen throughout the course flying and pecking trees
(#733)ToucannonBelusylva Jungle (Night) - flying around the cliffs and sleeping in the birds nests above the Ancient Ruins
(#739)CrabrawlerMaricopia Beach (Day) - Found on the main beach at the start and near the end
(#742)Cutiefly Research Camp - Near the tent, roaming around the flowers
(#745)Lycanroc (Midday) Voluca Sands (Day) - in the mountains by the lake
(#745)Lycanroc (Midnight) Voluca Sands (Night) - multiple Lycanroc walk around the lake
(#746)Wishiwashi (School Form)  
(#747)Mareanie Maricopia Reef (Day) - Found on the left rocks, towards the end of the course, bullying Corsola
(#755)Morelull Belusylva Jungle (Night) - found throughout the course, particularly above the ancient ruins
(#761)BounsweetBelusylva Jungle (Day) - flying in the air at the start of the course
(#764)Comfey Florio Nature Park (Day) - found at the end of the course in the flower field
(#771)PyukumukuMaricopia Beach (Day) - to the right of the diversion
(#774)Minior (Meteor Form)  
(#774)Minior (Red Core Form) Voluca Sands (Night) - floating around the end area on your left
(#774)Minior (Blue Core Form) Voluca Sands (Night) - floating around the end area on your left
(#774)Minior (Yellow Core Form) Voluca Sands (Night) - floating around the end area on your left
(#810)GrookeyFlorio Nature Park (Day) - at the beginning next to Pichu and in the grass near the lake
(#813)ScorbunnyFlorio Nature Park (Night) - Spotted at the start and throughout the course
(#816)Sobble Belusylva Jungle (Day) - Near the end of the course, Sobble is hiding in the bushes to the right (if you look past the crystalbloom)
(#843)Silicobra Voluca Sands (Day) - spotted on the left path of the lake Voluca Sands (Night) - spotted on the left, in the hills, near the beginning

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