With 12 characters available in Star Wars Hunters -- and more on the way -- Zynga's 5v5 arena game has more than enough characters to pick and choose from. But how do you unlock new characters in Star Wars Hunters in the first place?
Zynga's Star Wars game has had a long and tricky history, with the game being revealed way back in 2021. It had a fascinating premise, and the road from the original to the sequel trilogy is full of interesting possibilities, but fans couldn't make up their minds about how to feel about the game due to how little was actually shown. Eventually, the game was soft-launched on mobile devices, giving certain countries a chance to try this shooter out.
Now that Star Wars Hunters is finally able to be played across the globe, we've got just the guides for new and returning players. If you want to learn more about the different game modes for example, or which characters are best with our Star Wars Hunters tier list. Then if you're done there, maybe a quick glance at our Star Wars Hunters code guide. No matter what you're looking for, we've got it covered.
How To Unlock New Characters in Star Wars Hunters
What's surprising about Star Wars Hunters is that, despite being a free-to-play game, it does give you plenty of room to work hard to grab the characters that you want. In fact, overall, there are two different ways to unlock new characters in Star Wars Hunters.
Hunter's Path
The first way is Hunter's Path. Players can access Hunter's Path via the top left corner of the main menu, where you'll be taken to an area that highlights all of the different hunters that you can unlock.
The pro of Hunter's Path is that you can work towards earning hunters organically without having to dip into your wallet to get them. In fact, all you need to do is progress and earn Hunter Tokens, which can be earned by simply playing matches.
The downside is that you can't progress towards a specific Hunter. For example, if you want to earn J-3DI, you'll have to unlock Skora first.
To conclude, the more you play Star Wars Hunters, the faster you earn the different Hunters available.
Star Wars Hunters Crystals
If you're tired of playing the game without a specific character and don't want to waste time with the Hunter's Path, there is another route: crystals.
As you may have figured out, crystals are the currency of Star Wars Hunters and can be used to both buy Hunters and their cosmetic skins.
To purchase the Hunter you want, head to the shop and then select Hunters. Here, you'll be able to pick which Hunter you want and can purchase it without having to play nonstop.
Currently, Crystals and the Hunter's Path are the only two ways to earn Hunters. If this changes, we'll be sure to update this guide and let you know.
For more articles like this, take a look at our Star Wars Hunters , Only Mobile Gaming , and OMG Guides pages.