Who is the Best Smash Ultimate Player?

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate might seem like a button-mashing party game at first glance but make no mistake, people treat this as a serious fighting game.

The Smash community continues to be one of the more active fighting game communities out there, with a number of pro players who take this game very seriously, which is hard to believe, given the number of characters it has.

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Who is the Best Smash Ultimate Player?

Considering how victory isn’t always easy to attain with friends, we can imagine how much harder it would be with actual pro players.

Trying to pinpoint who the best Smash Ultimate player in the entire world seems impossible but according to a lot of fans, it has to be MKLeo.

While he is far from a rookie, MKLeo did start out late when he first got into the series with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and managed to finish as the third-best player in the world.

MKLeo then decided he wanted to become the best player in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and it seems like the man has succeeded.

MKLeo has since won Genesis 6, Smash N’ Splash 5, MomoCon, and CEO 19 since even getting wins over some of the top 50 Smash players in the whole world.

It’s clear that this Mexican pro is going to go places, so definitely keep your eyes on MKLeo.

Will he be the best player in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for a long time? That remains to be seen but we’re sure he will keep working on his game, whether he stays as the best player in the game or ends up going down on the totem pole.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is now available on the Nintendo Switch, along with both DLC Fighters Passes.

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